Thanks to the excellent management of the crisis by the Kingdom’s authorities, despite an international context still disrupted by the pandemic, the 2021 edition has been able to take place at short notice while complying with the essential health directives.

These include a ban on interaction with the public, with the Rally caravan having to remain in a sanitary bubble.

While respecting these conditions, ODC and the associated Main Partners wished to continue developing social actions, all the more so in a health context where distance is essential.

The 2021 actions:

Outarra’s village (since 2018) – New 2021 project: rehabilitation of the women’s club

Medical caravan – Action initiated during this edition

Creating moments of sharing with the Moroccan population


Outarra’s village – rehabilitation of the women’s club.

The women’s club, a real creator of social links within the village, had not been used for years due to a lack of sanitary facilities.

With the refurbishment and construction of new sanitary facilities for the women of the village, the women’s club has been able to return to its original purpose in the heart of the village.

Medical caravan – Action initiated during this edition

Since the pandemic in 2020 and the health priorities, after consultation with the local authorities in Zagora, the region hosting the Rally around a single bivouac, the most pressing need identified concerned the most remote rural villages in the region.

The following scheme has been deployed in partnership with the Zagora regional health authority:

  • Objectives: to provide medicines and assistance to the populations of 3 villages in the most remote rural areas of the Rally, with ad-hoc logistics (4×4, medical truck, etc.).
  • Resources: a 6-day tour, 2 days per site, with a medical team from the ODC organisation and Zagora hospital, comprising 4 doctors, 2 general practitioners, 1 lung specialist, 1 ophthalmologist and 2 nurses.

By the end of the tour, 1,028 consultations had been carried out. But beyond the figures, the ODC teams and the local health officials were very satisfied with the human exchanges and the satisfaction of a job well done, whether in terms of prevention, diagnosis and treatment that prevented certain illnesses from worsening.

On the strength of this 1st initiative, the decision has been taken by ODC and the Main Partners of the Rallye du Maroc that the medical caravan will be systematically set up for each edition.

Creating moments of sharing with the Moroccan population

As face-to-face interaction with the public was forbidden, ODC and the Rally’s Main Partners, Afriquia, Maroc Telecom and OCP Group, opted for remote interaction, thanks to the relay of digital technology.

Several Moroccan and international stars came to the Rally and created interactions either with the stars of the rally-raid, or by visiting schools or local companies (production of dates…): Kaaris, Manal, Muslim, L7OR, Tagne, Gims and Dadju.

At the end of each day, the star present was invited onto the TV studio set up in the heart of the bivouac to share his or her experience of the day, all of which was summarised in an 8′ programme in partnership with 2MTV named “Le Rallye au Cœur du Maroc”, broadcast in prime time daily from 7 to 13 October at 8.05pm.

Following these broadcasts, 2MTV produced and aired a 52-minute report, again broadcast in prime time on 23 October at 7.15pm.

Against the backdrop of the health crisis, 17 artists, including the 7 taking part in this year’s event, have sent their “special dedication” and message of support to the Rallye du Maroc via a video teaser: